Program and Instructional Design From the Dummies Perspective


Are your online students often surprised or overwhelmed by the idiosyncrasies of learning online?  Do they arrive in your virtual classrooms with unrealistic expectations of workload and levels of interaction/participation? if so, join Dr. Susan Manning and Kevin Johnson, two online instructors and authors of the recently released book Online Education for Dummies, as they share ideas on how to develop courses around the idea of student expectations and success.  In this two-hour event, we'll share ideas of how institutions, advising staff, departments, and instructors can better prepare students for transitioning to the online environment.  Be smart and let the Dummies guide you.  Hope to "see" you there!

  9:30 AM - Coffee & Snacks
10:00 AM - Presentation
12:00 PM - Lunch w/Dummies (on your own - optional)

Want to attend?  RSVP NOW!

Remember the event is held on the NORTH CAMPUS